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If you have been injured we can help.



Insurance Claim:

There are many components to dealing with a car accident claim, all of which can be stressful. When you retain us, we take over all communication and paper work involved so that you can focus on your recovery. We will do the leg work to ensure that your claim is maintained, that no limitation periods are missed, and you are properly compensated for your losses.



The key to your recovery is often proper treatment. We will work with you and your doctor to ensure that you have access to, and coverage for appropriate treatment in order to minimize your out of pocket expenses. We will work with your benefit plan if you have one and if not we will work with treatment providers and ICBC to minimize the impact on your finances.


Our first priority is assisting you to recover as we know that no amount of money can compensate for a lifetime of pain.

X-Ray Results

Your Claim:

As a result of the injuries you have sustained in a car accident you may be entitled to:


  • Special Damages for out of pocket expenses you have had for treatment, supplies, retraining etc 

  • Cost of Future Care for future treatment recommended by your medical treatment providers.

  • Wage loss, both past and future.

  • Pain and Suffering for the effect your injuries have had on your life.        

Each persons losses are different and we are here help you obtain compensation for all of your losses.




Occupiers Liability:

It is important that occupiers of property, or those responsible for its upkeep, ensure that their property is safe for use by all users. If they do something that creates a risk of injury, or fail to repair something and thereby cause a risk of injury, they may be liable for the consequence.


If you are injured on a property, whether commercial or private, it can cost you thousands of dollars in treatment. Contacting a lawyer can help you access coverage under the property owners insurance policy.


Municipal Liability:

Sidewalks, roadways and parkways must also be safe for use. Municipalities often hide behind policies and procedures to deny liability for injuries that occur. In some cases the city workers have failed to follow those policies and as a result cause a risk of injury. If you have been injured on a city property it is important to contact a lawyer to find out what your rights are.



Medical Malpractice:

Medical professionals are bound by a standard of care and a duty of care to every patient. If they fail to treat you to the appropriate standard and you are injured as a result you may be entitled to compensation.

Manufacturers Liability:

If you are injured using, fixing or working on an item, the manufacturer may be liable. There are safety rules that all manufacturers must follow. If a manufacturer fails to follow the rules and causes injury, they are responsible for the harms that are caused.

The safety rules apply to manufacturers of food items, tools, machinery and anything else that is sold for use by the public.

Machinery in a Physics Lab
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